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Message from our CEO

    Owning a private jet is a significant investment. Not only a financial investment but an investment in time and productivity. PJM was founded as a company with the sole the mission to provide world class management to owners of private use aircraft.


    Historically, corporate jet owners always utilize their aircraft Part 91. Private jet owners, however, often place their aircraft on charter as a means to offset expenses. Usually, the revenue is never as forecast and the heavy utilization on the plane devalues the asset and leads to more unscheduled maintenance events. In my 25 years in this business I've seen many owners stuck when their airplane has a mechanical event on a charter and cannot perform an upcoming owner flight.


    Our clients have learned that charter revenue doesn't offset true cost. What it does is increase maintenance expense, downtime, and greatly reduces the plane's value. Chartering your plane makes as much sense as renting your Bentley.


    Come speak with us and let PJM show you how we can tailor a management plan that allows you to operate your aircraft in the most efficient and cost effective manner.


                                                                                                          Safe Travels!

                                                                                                          Jon  Mende, CEO



Jon is a 26 year veteran of the private aviation industry. He was CEO of Skyways, overseeing FBO, management, charter, and maintenance operations in locations across the US. Prior to his tenure at Skyways, Jon served  as Vice President of Aircraft Acquisition at Delta Private Jets. 








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